Oh’ How Confusing Life Can Be


When time is racing

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

How easy it can be to forget who we are. To forget what we’ve done, to forget how far we’ve come. Oh’ how confusing life can be as we circle in our own minds countless times. How the more stressed we may feel, or stuck we may be, makes time feel like it’s working against us.

They say “time flies when you’re having fun” but they forget to mention that time races us when we are at our lowest. Pushing us to be more and to work harder when we don’t even have a clue where to place our next foot.

“One foot in front of the other” they say, but without careful consideration you may just be walking in circles.

And then there are the times that you pause, as if time is standing still but only for you. The world moves so quickly in this space, as if to pause is to go backwards. This is the space where stress boils over, where a hiccup becomes a mountain, where guilt becomes shame. Here is the space we all know too well, when the world becomes “too much” and our vision becomes blurred. The space where all we can see is right now and our failures of today.

How easy it can be to forget who we are. To forget what we’ve done, to forget how far we’ve come. Oh’ how confusing life can be as we lose ourselves to the racing time. How everything becomes seemingly urgent and yet unattainable. Seemingly important but only if perfect. Seemingly now or never although today is no different from the one before.

Oh’ how easy it can be to forget that time is all ours, that the time we have today differs not from a day when we were 5. Differs not from tomorrow, differs not.

There is no race of time, there is no clock, no alarm, no chime.

Oh’ how confusing life can be when we lose our tomorrow. When we get lost in today and do our best to keep ourselves distracted.

But then in a moment it clicks.

A moment where your feet touch the ground, your thoughts balance. A moment where time is back to pace.

The moment when today is a breath of fresh air, tomorrow is a dream, and yesterday…yesterday were the accomplishments you forgot you had. Yesterday were the lessons you learned that will help you through today. Yesterday is the reminder that your tomorrow will be exceptional.

How easy it can be to forget who we are. To forget what we’ve done, to forget how far we’ve come. Oh’ how confusing life can be when we feel time racing against us, when tomorrow is blurred, and when we forget about our yesterday.

Oh’ how confusing life can be when all we see is today.



Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz
Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz

Written by Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz

Business Strategist, Public Speaker, Magazine Owner @startwithhannah

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