My Becoming

If only you knew, you are becoming too

Photo Credit To The Fabulous: Michele Crockett

I’m in my room getting into comfy, couch lounging, Netflix clothes and I realize…

I’m Becoming

Let’s rewind zwim zwim zwim (rewind sound effects, think VHS)

I’ve noticed recently that almost every time I get off a call with a colleague or new connection I think…

Wow, Holy Monkeys! I’ve made it! I just spoke to _______ and it was so cool! They are awesome! I can’t believe they made the time to talk to me!!! They are so cool! They are working on such incredible things! I’m privy to such cool information…..!!! (cool cool cool on repeat!)

I’ll talk about it all day, I mean how could I possibly get back to work now, I’m pumped! I’ll talk to my fiancé as long as he will listen and when he’s busy I’ll just continue the conversation in the mirror! I’ll be on cloud 9 for a while.

Now back to my room. On this normal, oh so normal evening. Where everything is as normal as it gets, I look in the mirror with my normal audience and think…

Wait a FLIPPIN minute! If I feel this way, is it possible that others feel the very same way when hopping off a call with me!? Do they jump off our calls and say…

Wow, Holy Monkeys! I’ve made it! I just spoke to Hannah and it was so cool!

And that’s when it hit me, I’m Becoming.

The people I’ve been connecting with are those that I look up to, am inspired by and want to be like. I think them to be bad-asses and rule breakers. They are forward thinkers, creative planners, brainstorming geniuses and go getters. They are cool, really really cool!

If I’m talking to them on a daily, thinking with them, having wine nights with them, and and and... Could it be that I’m becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be? Could it be that I’m a cool person??? (As I write this I realize that by saying it I have effectively become as uncool as they come, but alas we continue)

Wait, Hold up

Do these people even know how cool they are?!?!

How inspiring they are!? How awesome it feels to connect with them!?Are they sitting in the same uncool boat as me?!?!

I’ve heard that we mirror those we connect with. If so, am I becoming the person I’ve always dreamt of being? Am I, becoming?

Now I’m not saying that I’ve always wanted to be a cool person, although that is true too… I’m saying that I am becoming the type of person that I have always looked up to. I’m becoming a person that holds the same values that I envied, the same business mindset that I wanted, the same …boss energy I thought was unreachable! These are all the attributes that those I connect with have and I’m connecting with them often.

Maybe those who inspire me are inspired by me too. Maybe those who I view as super cool think I’m super cool too. Maybe we are all sitting in this same uncool-feeling boat with no idea of our own coolness! Now there’s a thought!

If we connect with those we mirror, maybe we are all on this beautiful journey of becoming. Maybe you feel the very same way I feel…

We are becoming!

Thank you my ever growing circle, you inspire me always.

Enjoy becoming. Stop to notice it, this feeling is incredible.

To our becoming, Cheers!



Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz
Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz

Written by Start with Hannah / Hannah Schwartz

Business Strategist, Public Speaker, Magazine Owner @startwithhannah

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